Aurora Waistcoat Midnight Aurora Waistcoat Midnight

Aurora Waistcoat Midnight


Aurora Waistcoat Midnight

We're all about fun, statement pieces, and the Aurora Waistcoat in Midnight is exactly that! This sharp, tailored vest brings a touch of retro 1970s style to any outfit. With its one-of-a-kind embroidered floral design, front button finishes, and gathered-back detailing, it's a timeless beauty that adds a unique flair to your look. Available in Midnight and Cinnamon , this waistcoat is sure to make you stand out from the crowd!

Approximate flatlay measurements (cm). Please use our Flat Lay guide  HERE :

Bust Flat Lay(double for circumference)  48 55 58
Waist Flat Lay(double for circumference)  43 48 53

Fit recommendation -  True to size. Check measurements

Model Details   - The model is 171cm tall and wears size S/M

Fabric Details - Velvet - cold hand wash

Product Features: 

Front button detail

Back gathered detail

One-of-a-kind embroidery finish

Soft velvet finish

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